this weekend, the cleaning was attacked with avengence. and it worked. sometimes, it back fires - you go and go and go but time goes faster and you end up starting more projects than you finish. i'm sure it has something to do with the moon and the tides. in any case, this weekend it worked and i just kept going: vacumming, painting, washing, scrubbing. maybe now i can finally take some pictures to share of this home we love.
but, there are so many other pots on the burners right now! I've been wanting to share this for more than a week but lacking the proper photos, i held off. Cosy Tea has finally come to a local shop! thanks to the wonderful Ken and Deborah who run Maine-ly New Hampshire in Portsmouth (NH), my cosies are happily showing off to new customers:
i made the display (from recycled driftwood, of course) before christmas but with the trip, wasn't able to stock it until we came back. they have sucha wonderful selection of tea from the Portsmouth Tea Co., some flavors exculsive to the shop - you could put together a seriously wonderful set for the tea lover. their shop carries so many wonderful products, all local to New Hampshire and Maine.
now, on to the new products. some surpirses coming up for spring. these vintage flower tablecloths you see above and the objects in my banner will very soon be making their debut, because spring is hurtling towards us! (ok, i know i may be the only one to feel this way but there's no denying, it is coming.)
happy March!